Bluetooth Scanner Bluetooth finder pairing Mod APK 1.3.1
Are you ready to discover all bluetooth devices around you Want to know all about connected BT devices Codec information (aptX, SBC others) is only available from Android 8.0 (Oreo) and only for connected devices! If your device runs Android 6 or 7, this information will not be displayed.
* Find all Bluetooth devices, including connected, paired and unknown devices.
* Keep track of your devices
* bluetooth 4.0 scanner
* Connect to bt devices
* Find low-power and classic devices, including smartwatch or strap, TV, computer and others.
* Pair and unpair the bt device
* Shows the battery level of connected Bluetooth devices (only from Android 9)
* Show signal strength, codec information (aptX, LDAC, SBC and others)
* Play any scan in history, see all bt devices in the past
* Customize device (rename, change device type)
* Useful filters based on device type, device name, time
* Sort by RSSI, address, name, supplier and others
* Highlight new devices around you
* Generate graphs from data (device group distribution and others)
* Export database for further processing
Supported Android Devices :- [6.0 – 6.0.1] Marshmallow – [7.0 – 7.1.1] Nougat – [8.0-8.1] Oreo – [9] Pie – Android 10 – Android 11
Download Bluetooth Scanner Bluetooth finder pairing Mod APK 1.3.1 Free Links
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How to install Bluetooth Scanner Bluetooth finder pairing Mod APK 1.3.1 APK?
1. Tap the downloaded Bluetooth Scanner Bluetooth finder pairing Mod APK 1.3.1 APK file.
2. Touch install.
3. Follow the steps on the screen.
What's new
Added translations
Fixed Dutch translation
Updated device database
Bug fixes