InviZible Pro APK 1.3.9

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Maintains privacy, prevents tracking, gains access to blocked and hidden online resources.InviZible Pro uses DNSCrypt, Tor and Purple I2P to achieve maximum security, privacy and comfortable use of the Internet.DNS is used by most applications to translate domain names into IP addresses to find a remote server with the site you want to visit. But this communication is not encrypted and can be used by attackers. DNSCrypt encrypts and authenticates DNS traffic, thus preventing DNS monitoring and spoofing. Tor encrypts internet traffic and hides your actual location. It uses thousands of computers around the world to mask your IP address and prevents activity tracking to preserve your privacy and anonymity. Tor also provides access to onion services. These are sites that are on a completely hidden uncensored network.

Caractéristiques :
* Aucune racine requise
* Masquer l'emplacement et l'IP
* Débloquez le contenu Web limité
* Empêche le suivi
* Permet d'accéder aux réseaux cachés
* Détection d'usurpation ARP
* Pare-feu intégré
* Partage de connexion pris en charge
* Pas d'analyse
* Pas de publicité
* Open source
* Thème de conception matérielle

Appareils Android pris en charge: [5.0–5.1.2] Sucette – [6.0 – 6.0.1] Guimauve – [7.0 – 7.1.1] Nougat – [8.0-8.1] Oreo – [9] Tarte

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Comment installer InviZible Pro APK 1.3.9 APK?

1. Appuyez sur le fichier APK InviZible Pro APK 1.3.9 téléchargé.

2. Appuyez sur installer.

3. Suivez les étapes à l'écran.