7Embark on an incredible adventure in Ghost Town, a mysterious city inhabited by ghosts! Join the young sorceress Anna and discover the secrets of Ghost Town: meet its inhabitants and discover the evil plan of the mysterious playwright who conquered the city.
Features :
* A fascinating storyline: fantastic adventures and an exciting storyline await you!
* Unique gameplay: Explore mysterious houses and reveal the secrets of Ghost Town!
* Side Stories: Enjoy many side quests that explore all aspects of the game. Each update brings new compelling narratives. So stay tuned!
* Additional quests: over 100 characters, each with unique stories and secrets to discover!
* Dialog: Interact with the residents of Ghost Town and solve all kinds of puzzles along the way to complete your missions.
Supported Android Devices : [4.1–4.3.1] Jelly Bean – [4.4–4.4.4] KitKat – [5.0–5.0.2] Lollipop – [6.0 – 6.0.1] Marshmallow – [7.0 – 7.1.1] Nougat – [8.0-8.1] Oreo – [9] Pie
Download Ghost Town Adventures Mystery Riddles Game mod apk (Mod Money) v2.59
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How to install Ghost Town Adventures Mystery Riddles Game mod apk (Mod Money) v2.59 APK?
1. Tap the downloaded Ghost Town Adventures Mystery Riddles Game mod apk (Mod Money) v2.59 APK file.
2. Touch install.
3. Follow the steps on the screen.