Heat Gear offers an intense speed battle and creates many options to improve your driving ability. Players can create cars suited to their preferences, drive them and complete their show. Each road segment will have a significant change in terrain; they can give you big surprises. The same goes for various challenges, such as police, phone calls or obstacles.
We will monitor your performance and provide you with the most accurate score. The number of obstacles and problems on the Heat Gear track has been increased, and players will test their strength in the new space in the new racing location. You can choose and join two new game modes, overcoming their difficulty and solving problems involving speed.
Continuing with the long-awaited additions, we have updated with 22 new spoilers, 44 new wheels and 11 car skins for the next experience. Additionally, 7 new cars are also added to give you more options throughout the experience. A more desirable season officially begins with complete renovations. Players can change the appearance of cars in Heat Gear.
You can start with colorful tires or choose from a selection of modified cars. The process of upgrading cars can take a long time, but they will help you more in the conquest process. You can replace the engine and increase the top speed of your car. There’s a wide range of great options to create the style you want right on this ferocious high-speed track.
* Body color
* Body skin
* Circle model
* Spoiler model
* Under neon light
* Customization of the plate
* Upgrade your car
* Split mode
* Circuit mode
* Drift mode
* Escape from police mode
* Time mode