KUNI Cam Unlocked APK 1.27.1
Our mission is to help you create photos and videos that stand out. The camera can record both processed and original movies at the same time. Then you immediately get the original video processed and you can publish it in a second and the original footage so that you can edit it again.
* Super fast processing
* Edit both photos and videos
* 190 filters
* Dust filters
* Colored filters
* Advanced Grain Function
* Fade
* HSL adjustment
* 3D effect (chromatic aberration) + Glitch
* HSL adjustment
* Grain filters
* Multiple date stamp formats including VHS
* Crop / rotate photos and videos
* Adjustments
Supported Android Devices :- [5.0–5.0.2] Lollipop – [6.0 – 6.0.1] Marshmallow – [7.0 – 7.1.1] Nougat – [8.0-8.1] Oreo – [9] Pie – Android 10 – Android 11
Download KUNI Cam Unlocked APK 1.27.1 Free Links
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How to install KUNI Cam Unlocked APK 1.27.1 APK?
1. Tap the downloaded KUNI Cam Unlocked APK 1.27.1 APK file.
2. Touch install.
3. Follow the steps on the screen.
What's new
Advanced color grading now available. Color grade photos and videos jus like Hollywood post production. Save the color gradings into recipes and voile you got advanced filters and presets.
Dark mode
Kuni Cam now support dark mode. Dark and Light mode is set in Android Settings -> Screen.
Support for Android 11+
Fixes and improvements
- Fix for some photos that could be upside down.
- Improved speed
Please let us know if there are any issues with the update.