Moviebase Manage Movies & TV Shows Premium Mod APK 2.4.9
Moviebase is the most powerful movie, series, season, episode and actor browsing and tracking app from the largest TMDB community database. Get access to and use media content from The Movie Database (TMDb), IMDb and Trakt.Moviebase gives you flexibility and control to customize your home screen with your card categories.Moviebase has strong multilingual content which is officially supported in 39 languages ​​and used in over 180 countries.
* Explore a huge amount of categories: on TV, trending, anticipated, top rated and at the box office
* Browse our catalogs such as Marvel Universe or Disney
* Open movies and TV shows on Netflix, Disney + or Amazon Prime via the app
* Get to know all the popular people
* Explore a variety of the best genres such as drama and science fiction
* Search your movies, series and actors in the largest community database
* Filter movies and TV shows by genre, year and classification
* Search for related networks and genres
* Get personal recommendations based on your tastes
* Add what you want to watch in your Watchlist and mark the content you have watched
* Save your favorites to a collection
Supported Android Devices : [6.0 – 6.0.1] Marshmallow – [7.0 – 7.1.1] Nougat – [8.0-8.1] Oreo – [9] Pie
Download Moviebase Manage Movies & TV Shows Premium Mod APK 2.4.9 Free Links
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How to install Moviebase Manage Movies & TV Shows Premium Mod APK 2.4.9 APK?
1. Tap the downloaded Moviebase Manage Movies & TV Shows Premium Mod APK 2.4.9 APK file.
2. Touch install.
3. Follow the steps on the screen.
What's new
This release welcomes some improvements under the hood, alongside some general bug fixes that will make Moviebase experience so much slicker! Get ready for more good stuff, heading your way soon!